St. Mark’s Church 211 W. 9th St. Auburn Sundays @ 9am

Our vision is to leave a legacy of leaders for Christ…

We envision lives changed, disciples multiplied, new churches planted, and cities transformed.

We are a community focused on the Great Commission. In Matthew 28, Jesus commands his disciples to “Go and make disciples…”. We believe the church’s main purpose is to raise, resource, and release disciples of Jesus in our world. We help people move from being students of Jesus to leaders for Jesus! It’s through the multiplication of disciples that we will be able to reach the 26,000+ people in Auburn, DeKalb and Northeast Indiana.

Current Sermon Series


Keep up to date with what is happening in the life of our community!


Connect groups are midweek small groups that have a common mission in serving others outside the church. This is where deep friendships are made and everyone uses their gifts to reach those who don’t have a church home yet.

We help people pattern their lives after Jesus.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.



Office Hours Monday- Thursday 8:30am-12pm

Sunday Worship Gatherings St. Mark’s Traditional 9am Classic City Church Contemporary 11am