Vision, Mission and Values

Where there is no vision the people perish. - Proverbs 29:18


Our vision is to leave a legacy of leaders for Christ.

We envision lives changed, disciples multiplied, new churches planted, and cities transformed.


We help people pattern their lives after Jesus.

Core Values

1. Follow Jesus. Every person is to be a dedicated follower of Jesus. This means taking time daily to pray, read the bible, and to pattern their lives after Jesus.  

2.  Love Well. We want to love people well and build friendships in our neighborhood. We are to love all people genuinely and authentically as Jesus does. 

3. Hero maker. Our aim is to raise, resource, and release others (make disciples) to be heroes for Jesus. We are the guides to make others great (not ourselves) by serving, blessing and sending others to do the work of God’s kingdom. It’s all about disciples making disciples. 

4. Multiply. God’s design is for multiplication and sending. Our outpost (outreach) groups and gatherings are aimed to multiply. We will send and give away our best to reach the world for Christ. God We will take risks as the Spirit leads as we recognize that we have a God of abundance that will always provide.

5.  All are called. The God of the Bible is the God of today. He gives gifts to everyone in the church in order to do the work of the kingdom. All Christians are called into ministry, not just the pastor.